5 reasons to choose craft design products

Despite two millennia of changes, political and cultural revolutions, industrialization, globalization and digitalization, some ancient traditions struggle to die out.

We are talking about craftsmanship, one of the oldest crafts in the world, today more than ever in competition with industrial mass production.

Nowadays, artisan products are often associated with the concept of design, combining tradition and modernity, with the intent to rediscover the exclusivity of handmade objects, from a functional and aesthetic point of view.

In this article we will review the 5 reasons why you should choose handmade design products, finally proposing some of our exclusive ideas.


Why choose an artisan design?

1. Environmental sustainability

The world of craftsmanship in recent years is implementing a profound ecological transformation, embracing the philosophy of sustainability.

The new master craftsmen are careful to contain the environmental impact, selecting recyclable materials involved in the circular economy, and maintaining high levels of quality and originality of products.

environmental sustainability


2. The old but gold

Literally "old but golden", the perfect definition when it comes to craft design.

Although handmade products have ancient roots, their value seems to increase rather than get lost with time.

Today as then, buying a handmade design product means owning a valuable piece, because worked by expert hands capable of adapting traditional production techniques to the demands of the modern market.

3. The link with the territory

Buying handmade design products means getting in direct contact both with those who created them and with the place of origin. Each craftsman perfects the techniques of processing and production of a material inspired by the traditions and culture of the territory.

In Italy every region is steeped in its own history, from which craft activities were born, surviving the passage of time to keep alive the precious materials typical of the area.

Tuscany, for example, is closely linked to the history of glass, whose roots even go back to the Roman period. This important resource for the local economy has remained unchanged to this day.

4. Quality, attention to detail and durability

The artisan design products differ from the industrial design objects reproducible in series, for their limitation: the craftsmanship foresees the presence of an expert figure who takes care of the details of the manufacture of each individual piece.

The parts will undoubtedly have a higher cost, proportional to the quality of the materials used and to the attention to details placed during each individual machining process.

Craft products also have a greater durability over time, especially if you use sustainable raw materials, such as glass.

5. The uniqueness of each piece

Every single piece of handmade design is unique, exclusive and customizable.

The products of handmade objects, being individually and by hand, allow ample freedom in the insertion of details and decorations on specific request.

Customization is an added value offered to the customer, which makes him feel unique and special, just like the design object created specifically for him.

Are you looking for customizable handmade design items?

At Amarzo we create hand-made design products from recycled glass, with the aim of supporting the preservation of our planet and being witnesses of the quality of Made in Italy craftsmanship.

Starting from old glass bottles, with the only use of water and diamond wheel, we create numerous design objects such as:





pen holder;



Our products are great gift ideas for you or for those you love, because in addition to aesthetics each object has multiple and imaginative features.

They are all customizable through the engraved name of the recipient with the technique of sandblasting.

Request your customization in 3 different ways:

Send us an email with your request on infoamarzo@gmail.com;

Contact us directly on Instagram "amarzo_madeinitaly"

Click the "Talk to us" button on our website to be put in contact with one of our operators.

 We hope that the article has been useful to you, if you too are a lover of traditional craftsmanship and want more information about our recycled glass products, 100% made in Italy, with a refined Tuscan design, visit our website.

 Article edited by Sofia Tamborra

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