The perfect mise en place for an eco-friendly picnic

The beautiful season is upon us: the sun's rays are starting to illuminate and warm the days, bringing good mood and the desire to spend time outdoors back into homes.

What better time to organize a picnic with your loved ones?

It is a unique opportunity to experience moments in close contact with nature , savoring delicious food in company , surrounded by the beauty of creation.

If you are thinking of organizing your tasty lunch in a landscape colored by a thousand shades of green, the ideal would certainly be to do it in the most sustainable way possible , respecting the wonderful and fragile planet that hosts us.

But don't worry, there are very few precautions to keep in mind.

To give an extra touch of green to your picnic, simply:

  • choose organic products , possibly seasonal and zero km;

  • pay attention to waste and avoid dispersing it into the environment;

  • prepare a mise en place using minimal style and eco-friendly gadgets.

In this article you will discover the handcrafted and eco-friendly accessories by Amarzo , ideal for setting up the perfect mise en place for your ecological picnic.

creations in March

Amarzo's minimal and ecological creations

Obtained from recycled glass bottles , handcrafted by Tuscan master glassmakers in the Colle Val d'Elsa laboratory (where the glassmaking tradition has centuries-old roots), Amarzo's creations will leave you pleasantly surprised.

With a rustic and minimalist design , with varied and natural shades , with soft and refined lines , and naturally with a green heart .

In fact, our products are created from the most sustainable raw material on the market: glass . A versatile and ecological material , reusable up to 50 times and infinitely recyclable .

With our work we aim to:

  • contribute to the battle for a cleaner world , through support of the circular economy ;
  • bring to light the value of Italian craftsmanship , which is slowly dissolving due to industrial mass production.

How to set up the mise en place for an ecological picnic

Our advice is to create an atmosphere that refers in every detail to sustainability concept.

For this reason we have thought of a line of eco-sustainable products , ideal for containing dishes and drinks of all kinds.

Let's see some of them together, perfect for setting up your green picnic :

1) Mix of Spoons | In March

These wonderful accessories have a super original design and are equipped with great versatility .

They are created by manually cutting the necks of glass bottles, to obtain unique and at the same time functional shapes .

Our spoons can contain any type of food or sauce , although their size makes them particularly suitable for finger food (mini portions to taste without using cutlery).

You can use them to serve snacks, cured meats, cheeses, olives or anything you can think of to cook for your picnic.

Our spoon mix consists of 3 pieces, available in 3 different color shades : Barbera, Primitivo and Malvasia.

mix spoons in March

2) Set of glasses | In March

Continuing with the preparation of your picnic, we suggest you add one of our sets of glasses to the mise en place.

These are elegant and minimalist creations , suggestive but respectful of the environment.

What remains of the bottle after the cut from which the spoons are obtained takes the shape of a jug, which will accompany each of the groups of glasses.

You can use them to contain any type of drink : water, wine, beer, sparkling wine, etc... the glass will retain their fragrance.

The varieties of our glass sets are characterized by different colors, deriving from the natural shades of the original glass : transparent, ivory black, bright green or pastel yellow.

glasses in March

3) Trays | In March

Last but not least, the Amarzo trays represent our workhorse.

Perfect for serving dishes in a convenient and particular way , to be filled with the most varied dishes : first courses, second courses, side dishes, fresh fruit, single-portion desserts.

With our trays it is even possible to keep the hottest foods at temperature by covering them with neckless trays that will recreate the shape of the original bottle!

Now all you have to do is choose the model closest to your aesthetic tastes and culinary needs among the 4 different varieties :

  • Barbera tray with neck;

  • champagne tray with neck;

  • Barbera tray without neck

  • half neck tray.

March tray

There is no doubt that you will leave all your guests pleasantly surprised by choosing Amarzo's eco-sustainable creations to set up the mise en place of your green picnic.

If you would like to purchase our products or receive more information about them, do not hesitate to contact us.

Article by Sofia Tamborra

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