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Subject: exercise of withdrawal
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Myself _______________________, born in ____________________, the ________________, living in _____________________, intends to exercise, according to D. Lgs. 206/2005 art.52 e segg. the right of withdrawal with regard to order no. ____________________ myself
date ___________________ trough our webiste
Si richiede inoltre la restituzione della somma in euro _________, pagata in data ___________ con la seguente modalità ____________________ entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento della presente.
In fede,
The value of glass
Glass is a precious treasure that symbolizes Tuscan art and elegance.
The main characteristic of glass is durability, something that is now forgotten.
On average a glass bottle is remelted after two months.
The rebirth
"La rebirth" represents our mission to give new life to every bottle of wine, joining the tradition of Tuscan craftsmanship.
Through creative reuse, we transform bottles into sustainable works of art, reducing environmental impact.
Small steps for a cleaner world
We are committed to transforming every bottle of wine into sustainable works of art.
Each reused bottle represents a step towards reducing waste and promoting sustainability, in line with Tuscan craftsmanship and elegance.
Made in Tuscany
The quality of Tuscan craftsmanship is the foundation on which Amarzo stands.
Each transformed bottle represents the passion for elegance and sustainability.
The dream
"The dream" of Amarzo is the constant commitment to pass on the art of Tuscan craftsmanship, sustainability and elegance through our products.
This dream guides us to embody tradition, revive old techniques like glass grinding, and offer the world creations that unite past and present in a tangible symbol of the values they inspire.
Luigi and Cristiano
“We believe that high-quality aesthetics can be a powerful incentive to inspire people to embrace a sustainable lifestyle, just like our approach to breathing new life into wine bottles.”